Thursday, August 9, 2012

Take the test: Hopefully you're not an ass-hat

1. When you hear other people talking about you, the word ‘ass’ is usually followed by ‘hat’.

2. You do an internet search on “ass hat” and your picture is there.

3. You won “ass hat of the week” award at work.

4. You wear a hat on your rump.

5. You face looks like two butt-cheeks, and you often wear a hat.

6. Your behaviors are often described as “very ass-hat-like”.

7. Your significant other owns and wears an “I’m with the ass hat” t-shirt.

8. You are the current commissioner of the NHL and your initials are G.B.

9. You took the test and answered "yes" to any of the above questions.

10. You took the test, seriously.

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