Monday, August 27, 2012

I prefer to come in 3rd place : reality TV

Say what you want about reality TV, but for the time being, it is here to stay.
I will never understand why on competition reality TV shows - cooking, athletics, singing, dancing, etc... the producers and editors actually will put clips of the contestants verbally stating (in some variation) "I'm here to win this"; "I want to win"; or "I deserve to win". 
Obviously the contestants want to win, there is usually money or some valued prize involved in the contest.  Does anyone buy a lottery ticket to donate money to the state?  I personally find it insulting to see those clips inserted into the program.

My take:  I would have much more respect for the contestant(s) who admitted their competition was likely greater than they were, and that he/she was "just happy to be there".

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