Monday, August 27, 2012

I prefer to come in 3rd place : reality TV

Say what you want about reality TV, but for the time being, it is here to stay.
I will never understand why on competition reality TV shows - cooking, athletics, singing, dancing, etc... the producers and editors actually will put clips of the contestants verbally stating (in some variation) "I'm here to win this"; "I want to win"; or "I deserve to win". 
Obviously the contestants want to win, there is usually money or some valued prize involved in the contest.  Does anyone buy a lottery ticket to donate money to the state?  I personally find it insulting to see those clips inserted into the program.

My take:  I would have much more respect for the contestant(s) who admitted their competition was likely greater than they were, and that he/she was "just happy to be there".

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Take the test: Hopefully you're not an ass-hat

1. When you hear other people talking about you, the word ‘ass’ is usually followed by ‘hat’.

2. You do an internet search on “ass hat” and your picture is there.

3. You won “ass hat of the week” award at work.

4. You wear a hat on your rump.

5. You face looks like two butt-cheeks, and you often wear a hat.

6. Your behaviors are often described as “very ass-hat-like”.

7. Your significant other owns and wears an “I’m with the ass hat” t-shirt.

8. You are the current commissioner of the NHL and your initials are G.B.

9. You took the test and answered "yes" to any of the above questions.

10. You took the test, seriously.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Yes, I'm sweating profusely, but I look great

Clear this up for me: why would you buy and wear a leather jacket living in Southern California or Florida?

My take:  I suppose much like buying shoes that don't fit right, some people think it is better to "look good" than "feel good"?  Meanwhile you will sweat and stink up your jacket when it is 80 degrees outside and then be stuck having to carry it around if you take it off.  If you see me, I will be the one laughing at you.